Saturday, August 8, 2015

It sure is a beautiful day here in Red River Gorge and Natural Bridge. Not to hot there's a nice breeze blowing. A perfect day for a hike. So what are you waiting for come on down and see us. We are booked up for this weekend but we still have a lot of things to offer. Our gift shop called Wild Things of KY is sure to have something to please the whole family. There's gem mining, Kids and adults find this very entertaining, There's goats on a roof, my personal favorite thing to do, those little goats are just to cute. There is also our live animal exhibit that showcases animals that are common for our area. They are behind a big glass wall. 

Also don't forget to stop and get your free coupon book. There's a lot of great information in them. Our busiest season is coming up on us fast. if you want to come and see the gorge at it most beautiful time. Be sure to call us at 606.663.8858 or go online to our website where you can view our cabins and live chat with us. October is booking up quickly so you need to call soon to get the cabin of your choice. We will be in the office until 8 pm this evening.  Look forward to hearing from you soon. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day. 

Vacation Specialist 

1 comment:


    When is it ok to disagree with a teaching of your church? It is permissible to disagree with church doctrine if it is contrary to the doctrine of God? Church Doctrine: Christians never die in disobedience, because they are once saved always saved.

    God's Word: Ananias and Sapphira were Christians who lied to God and were struck dead by God. They died in disobedience. They were not once saved always saved. (Act 5:1-11)

    Acts 5:11 So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things.

    If all Christians in the church are once saved always saved, then why were they fearful? If it is possible to lie to God and be struck dead and then go to heaven, would not many in the church have gladly taken that deal?

    The doctrine of perseverance of the saints, aka "once saved always saved" was invented by ignorant and confused men and is perpetuated by professional deceivers.

    YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY BLOG. http://steve-finnell.
